Meaning in Life
What does "Meaning of Life" mean to you? Find out what a group of graduate students said or shared.... What does "Meaning of Life" mean...

Responsibility: Enabling Human Consciousness and Flourishing Using Paradox Theory
ABSTRACT This paper argues the role of responsibility as a unifying condition, akin to Aristotle’s phronesis or master virtue, to keep...

A Beautiful OB Mind
This video is an organizational behavior (OB) schema using Colquitt et al.'s (2020) Integrative OB Model to improve organizational performan

Positive Distancing: Combining social distancing and mental-emotional distancing
This article is part of a series of articles I am sharing to inform the readers on central concepts and principles of Positive...

Transformational Leadership Video - Greta Thunberg
What makes a transformational leader? Learn the 4 "I"s of Transformational Leadership

Vital Engagement: When Meaning Meets Flow
This short article is part of a series of articles I am sharing to inform the readers on central concepts and principles of Positive...

Positive HR Series: Flow--the psychology of optimal experience
This short article is part of a series of articles I am sharing to inform the readers on central concepts and principles of Positive...

Positive HR Series: On Finding Meaning in Life and at Work
This short article is the first of a series of articles I am sharing with the aim of informing the readers on key concepts and principles...

POSITIVE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (HR+): Positively Reinventing HRM | ポジティブ人材管理(HR+)とは・・・~HRMの「積極的
Originally written in English This article first published at The HR Agenda Magazine [July-October 2018 issue]. HR needs to go to its...

Passing the Baton: A Message of Thanks and Moving Forward | バトンタッチ: 感謝と前進のメッセージ
Originally written in English This article first published at The HR Agenda Magazine [July-October 2018 issue]. Here’s to 11 years (and...